The advantages of Google Analytics for a marketing strategy

Just like a ship captain who needs a map or a navigational technology device to find his way around, companies with a digital presence need to rely on an effective metric to measure the performance of their website in order to claim an optimized ROI. Therefore, instead of being satisfied with the imprecise data in the said Backoffice, the use of such a tool appears to be an unavoidable alternative to carry out a complete and in-depth analysis of each visitor's behaviour. Thus, based on this site audit, it is easier to set up an effective marketing strategy to improve existing campaigns. Among the most popular metrics tools used by companies is Google Analytics, a service from Google that is available free of charge and comes with a range of significant advantages.

Google Analytics, the ultimate tool for analysing your audience

Web analytics is undoubtedly the nerve centre of today's digital marketing battle. This term encompasses a whole range of tools and techniques that allow you to monitor the effectiveness of your website, your marketing efforts and objectives on a long-term basis. Although some companies prefer to get rid of it despite the major stakes it represents, we must admit that web analytics has become the keystone of your performance when it comes time to define, coordinate and optimize the marketing actions to focus on. When it comes to web analytics, it is difficult, if not impossible, not to mention the word "Google Analytics", which refers to an analytical tool whose effectiveness has been proven. This free tool, which is the most widely used analytical tool in the world, is designed to effectively analyse your website's audience. What's more, it has been specially designed to constantly monitor the performance of your web marketing campaigns. Through it, you will have access to richly detailed and ultra-precise data about your audience such as the geographical origin of each visitor, the language that visitors prefer, gender, age, interests, frequency as well as recency on your website, technological origin (the devices used by visitors to consult your site). Through all these data, you are free to adapt your marketing strategy to ensure that it is flawless. Each one of them is of great importance to improve every point inherent to your webmarketing campaign. For example, by having assimilated the type of material most favoured by Internet users, you can optimise the ergonomics of your website to the maximum. In order for your google analytics campaign to run perfectly, you might as well entrust it to a google analytics agency such as

Google Analytics to analyse your traffic flow and its behaviour

In order for your marketing strategy to be effective and to guarantee you an optimised ROI, it is necessary to measure the performance of your website in terms of traffic using a powerful analytical tool, Google Analytics. Whether your website is transactional or not, this tool will be your best ally for traffic acquisition and strategy. Note that Google Analytics provides all the indicators you will need to analyze your traffic flow, namely the number of visitors, the number of sessions and their average duration, the number of pages viewed by Internet users, the time spent on your website, the bounce rate, etc... This analytical tool can thus determine who exactly does what once on your site. It also identifies the pages of your site that generate the most interaction and interest, or on the contrary, those that repel users. If your site offers a search engine to your visitors, Google Analytics can tell you what they are looking for the most. By having a precise idea of the quality of traffic your site receives and the behaviour of each user, you can constantly personalise your strategy so that it can always form the core of your web marketing campaign. To do this, you can very well ask for the personalized support of a marketing agency.

Google analytics allows you to know where people are coming from

Beyond its ability to analyze each visitor in detail, Google Analytics is also able to find out where visitors really come from. To make it easier for you, it breaks down traffic into 4 distinct sources: organic traffic, which includes users from search engines, direct traffic, which includes those who have typed your site's name on the search bar, referral traffic, which includes users from another site who have found your site through a link, and social traffic, which includes users from social networks. Having said that, analyzing your site via Google Analytics gives you the chance to isolate the performance of your marketing strategy according to the sources that most interest users.

Google analytics allows you to analyze the conversion process

Because of its versatility, Google Analytics is a tool that is a must to measure the effectiveness of your web marketing efforts. In this case, it is able to map the entire conversion and transaction process, identify abandonments between each step in the process, specify the conversion rate, locate any strategic flaws that could compromise the conversion process, etc. To do this, Google Analytics provides you with a customized conversion funnel. Customer conversion is an inherent part of the Google Analytics process because it allows you to have more details about your site's ability to convert users into loyal customers. N.B. The best of Google Analytics is that it allows you to benefit in real time from automated reports that gather statistical data from your site. In this way, you will always be alerted whenever something unusual happens, without you having to log in all the time.
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