Tips for optimizing the google referencing of your site

To gain visibility among Internet users, a web page must meet certain requirements imposed by search engines such as Yahoo, Bing or Google. They evaluate a site according to several criteria such as structure, quality of content and popularity. This means that the portal must be optimized so that it benefits from a good SEO referencing. This is a laborious task that requires a certain amount of skill. Also, here are some tips and tricks to know to gain positions in the results displayed by search engines. Note that the help of an expert seems essential if you want to have immediate results.

Accelerate site loading time

One of the parameters to be taken into account in google referencing concerns the loading speed of the web page. Internet users are becoming more and more demanding on this criterion. It is then necessary to adopt the appropriate measures so that the site is the possible reagent. To do this, several solutions must be considered, such as having a good host. Admittedly, this requires a more or less significant budget, however, obtaining a dedicated server allows to drastically reduce the time of loading elements in the website. Another method is to optimize media files. Indeed, some images or videos may be extremely heavy. This situation handicaps the fluidity of the web page, hence the importance of compressing them. To do this, there are many techniques such as converting the files in question or hosting the videos on sites such as YouTube or Vimeo.

Adapting your site to all formats

To optimize the referencing of its site, the latter must adapt to the formats of the devices used by Internet users. To do this, the technique of "responsive design" seems to be the best solution. With this method, a web page will automatically adjust to all screen sizes. The elements in the site will be arranged according to the size of the monitors used (tablets, smartphones, PCs). This is both convenient for portal owners as well as for the user experience. In addition, the number of traffic from mobile devices is constantly and significantly increasing. The "responsive design" allows to take this evolution into account and at the same time to generate more traffic. Aware of this change, Google now favours adaptive sites. This means that if you want to have a good ranking in search engines, it is better to opt for this technique. For information, many web marketing agencies offer their services to provide responsive design pages at competitive prices. Call upon these specialists if the need arises.

Web content optimization

A website contains a lot of things, you can discover articles or videos. The quality of these contents will have to satisfy both Internet users and Google robots. You should know that the latter (crawl) perform a diagnosis of the web page by detecting possible errors such as broken links or the presence of plagiarism. On this point, search engines severely punish the practice of copy-paste. It is therefore best to offer something unique (text, photo, video). In order to do this, working with experienced editors remains essential. They will be able to produce both articles adapted to Internet users as well as to search engine robots. Another thing not to be minimized concerns keywords, which must be chosen rigorously according to the web page (services, activities, products). They make it possible to highlight the specialization of a website. To identify the right keywords, several factors must be considered, such as the volume of search, what the competition is doing or your ranking in relation to your usual keywords. To do this, several tools such as "Google Trends" or "Google Keyword Planner" are very effective.

SSL to have big advantages in SEO

Google SEO depends on several factors. One of the most important parameters is probably the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). The latter refers to the encryption system of a website. In theory, the use of this mechanism ensures better data security. It makes it difficult to hack into a web page, as the spoliation of information becomes extremely complex. To get in Google's good graces, it is advisable to adopt this encryption method. It helps to gain positions in Google's search results because Google considers HTTPS sites to be more secure and reliable. In addition, migrating from HTTP to HTTPS will not affect the indexing of the site. As an indication, you can obtain SSL certificates for your web page via hosting companies, authorized resellers or even from the "Certificate Authority" or CA.
How to get indexed by Google?
Software to reference a site on Google

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